SpaceColonyH© pictures, courtesy NASA (no NASA endorsement of this game is implied or manifested)
SpaceColonyH© game creator: Dennis R. Archambault (conception, design, format, problems, registered owner of SpaceColonyH©)
SpaceColonyH© banner design: Tony Marciel
SpaceColonyH© game coding: Reyes Balderas - for multimedia programming and development
SpaceColonyH© artwork/photo digitization and composites: Steve Albiston
Littauer, Florence & Marita, "Personality Puzzle" and other works. (An excellent introduction to Hippocrates). Pub: Revel, a division of Baker Books House Co.
NASA, "Space Settlements - A Design Study"
O'Neill, Gerard K., "The High Frontier", Space Studies Institute Press
Space Studies Institute Press, "Space Manufacturing - 10 Pathways to the High Frontier", American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Inc. Proceedings of the 12th SSI/Princeton Conference
Baker, Edmund N., "Design of Cities", The Viking Press
Branden, Nathaniel, "The Psychology of Self-Esteem" and other works. Bantam Books
Freud, Sigmund, "Civilization and Its Discontents" and other works. W.W. Norton & Co.
Great Events by Famous Historians (18 Volumes), The National Alumni Publishers
Heppenheimer, T.A., "Colonies in Space". Stackpole Book Publisher
Historians History of the World (25 Volumes), Henry Smith Williams Publisher
Jung, Carl G., "Psyche & Symbol" and other works, Doubleday Anchor Original Publisher
Keirsey, David & Bates, Marilyn, "Please Understand Me", Prometheus Nemesis Book Company
Newsletter, "The High Frontier", Space Studies Institute
Pfeiffer, John E., "The Emergence of Society", McGraw Hill Book Company
Scientific American, "Cities: Their Origin, Growth and Human Impact", W.H. Freeman and Company
Toynbee, Arnold, "A Study of History" and other works, Oxford University Press
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